Digital & Social Media Marketing Course, Friday 4th April 2025

The trouble with being a small business owner or solopreneur is that everything falls to you – and the jobs you’re less confident about often get squeezed out! 

This is where the idea for this one day course came from. It is the opportunity to devote some time to marketing your business. You will come away full of practical ideas, tips and tools that you can take back to your desk.

Having run – and thoroughly enjoyed! – an updated version of this course in April and October 2024, and received some very positive feedback from the delegates, l’m tweaking the materials to make this one even better. Having regularly taught apprentices for years now (who would be very welcome on this course too!), it’s reminded me how much I enjoy getting an enthusiastic group of business owners in the room to learn and bounce ideas off. I have no doubt that people will have questions that make me think, and get me researching, but that’s part of the joy of teaching for me.

We have a lovely venue, too. The Dr Peter Centre is a Scout and community building in the heart of Romsey, but tucked away so we have parking and peace and quiet on site. I’ll provide drinks and biscuits but I ask delegates to bring their own lunch (no catering service on site but Waitrose and various takeaways within a few minutes walk!).

No one is too old to learn about marketing, digital or social media. Whatever your hopes – or fears! – this course is designed to act as a straight-forward, practical introduction to the many opportunities that digital and social media offers to promote an organisation.  It is delivered in plain English and is suitable for the novice or more regular social media users.

Course content

The day will be divided into four sessions, which will cover:

Session 1: Introduction to Digital and Social Media Marketing
 Definition of Marketing & a few useful Marketing Principles
 What is Digital Marketing?  Looking at the tools and platforms available
 Who are your customers and what do they want from you?
Session 2: Exploring Digital and Social Media tools
 Setting our digital/social objectives
 Selecting appropriate channels/platforms
Session 3: Using Digital Wisely
 Links, likes, shares and follows – some digital ‘good manners’
 Writing and designing for digital and social – long and short content tips and ideas
 Exploring SEO – how to keep your website findable
 Artificial Intelligence (AI) – what do I need to know?
 Legal notes
Session 4: Analytics – checking it’s working
 What do we mean by analytics?  Traditional and digital measures of success
 Next steps – where to find out more

Tickets are priced at £90 for the day (no VAT) but I am happy to offer discounts to registered charities, students and apprentices or members of any of the networking groups to which I belong. Please email me for details, rather than booking via the Eventbrite link below.

You can also find the course and book on Eventbrite; click here.

I hope to see you there!